
Visit to Prague by Mr. Bernard Jimenez, FIP Consultant for PRAGA 2018

Mr. Bernard Jimenez, the Vice-president of Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP) acting as PRAGA 2018 Consultant, visited Prague on Jan. 21 – 22, 2018. He met the members of the Organizing Committee to discuss the current activities and preparations for the exhibition. He also visited  the facilities of the future exhibition, where its competitive classes to be displayed. At the end of the visit Mr. Jimenez expressed his appreciation to the Organization Committee and assured the organizers about his delight for PRAGA 2018.

Fig. 1 – Mr. Bernard Jimenez, FIP Vice-President, and Mr. Vit Vanicek, Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Fig. 2 – B. Jimenez and V. Vanicek with the Clarion Hotel representative at the survey visit of the PRAGA 2018 facility (where Mary Kay Company organized an event at the time of our visit)

Fig. 3 – 4: B. Jimenez and V. Vanicek visting the Prague Postal Museum together with Mr. Jiri Strecha, Postal Museum Director, and Jan Kramar, Head of Postal and Telecommunication History Department of the Postal Museum