
IREX – Individual Regulations

IREX: IREX_en.pdf

PRAGA 2018


1.1      PRAGA 2018 is a specialized world stamp exhibition with the FIP patronage and the FEPA recognition, held on the occasion of celebrations of:

  • the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic (1918-2018),
  • the 100th anniversary of the issue of the first Czechoslovak stamp,
  • the 100th anniversary of the end of the World War I.

The objective of the exhibition is to promote philately, to develop mutual relations and philatelic culture, to maintain cooperation among philatelists throughout the world, to present creativity and innovation when treating exhibits, and to promote the Exponet ( virtual philatelic exhibition.


2.1       PRAGA 2018 is organized by Svaz českých filatelistů, z.s. (Union of Czech Philatelists) through the entity Spolek Světová výstava poštovních známek PRAGA 2018, z.s. (PRAGA 2018 World Stamp Exhibition Association), established for this purpose.

2.2       The exhibition will open on 15th August 2018 and close on 18th August 2018.

2.3       The exhibition will be held at the Clarion Congress Hotel in Prague, Freyova 945/33, Prague 9 – Vysočany. Approximately 1,500 exhibition frames will be available.


3.1       PRAGA 2018 is a specialized world stamp exhibition with the official patronage of the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP) granted by the 74th Congress of FIP that was held in Taipei, Taiwan on 26th October 2016.

PRAGA 2018 will also be held with the FEPA recognition granted by the FEPA Congress that was held in Porto, Portugal on 1st May 2016.

3.2       The following regulations shall be applicable to PRAGA 2018:

  • The General Regulations of the FIP for Exhibitions (GREX),
  • The General Regulations of the FIP for the Evaluation of Competitive Exhibits at FIP Exhibitions (GREV),
  • The Special Regulations for the Evaluation of Competitive Exhibits at FIP Exhibitions (SREVs),
  • The Individual Regulations of PRAGA 2018 (IREX) (Article 3.10 of GREX).
  • Where IREX deviates from GREX, GREV or SREV’s, IREX shall apply.


4.1       Competitive Exhibition Classes:

Exhibitors who are members of national federations/societies/associations of the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP) are eligible for participation.

4.2       The following exhibits can be accepted: for Class 1 (TR), 2 (PH) and 7 (FSC) – exhibits that received at least a vermeil award at a national exhibition; for Class 4 (one frame exhibits) – exhibits that received at least 70 points at a national exhibition. No qualification is required for the remaining classes.

4.3       Non-Competitive Classes:

Entries in non-competitive classes shall be by special invitation at the discretion of the Organizing Committee.


5.1       Non-Competitive Classes:

A/ Court of Honour

B/ Invited Exhibits

5.2       Competitive Classes:

  • Class 1. Traditional Philately
    • A/ Czechoslovakia – National Class
    • B/ Europe
    • C/ America
    • D/ Asia, Oceania and Africa
  • Class 2. Postal History
    • A/ Czechoslovakia – National Class
    • B/ Europe
    • C/ America
    • D/ Asia, Oceania and Africa
  • Class 3. Philatelic Literature
    • A/ Philatelic books and research papers (published after 1st January 2014)
    • B/ Philatelic magazines and periodicals (published after 1st January 2017)
    • C/ Catalogues (published after 1st January 2017)
    • Exhibitors entering an exhibit in the Philatelic Literature Class are requested to fill in the separate “Philatelic Literature Exhibit Information Form“ in addition to the “Exhibit Application Form“.
  • Class 4. One Frame Exhibits
    • A/  Czechoslovakia – National Class
    • B/  Europe
    • C/  America
    • D/  Asia, Oceania and Africa
    • Exhibits in this class should be based on a narrow philatelic subject corresponding to the scope of one exhibition frame. An extract from a past International award winning multiple frame exhibit (5 or 8 frames) is not allowed.
    • Evaluation shall be performed on the basis of awarded points (60 – 100) and the exhibitor shall receive only a certificate without a medal. The Certificate of Participation will be given to exhibits attaining less than 60 points.
    • Exhibits shall only be evaluated in the following classes:
      • Traditional Philately (TR), see Class 1,
      • Postal History (PH), see Class 2,
      • Revenues (FSC), see Class 7.
    • The exhibitor is obliged to identify the exhibit exactly in the application form, in which the Class that the exhibit is entering (TR or PH) shall be designated.
  • Class 5. Modern Philately (21st century)
    • The objective of this class is to encourage collectors of Modern Philatelic materials to exhibit at the highest level and to demonstrate to the Postal Administrations that there is an extensive body of philatelists who collect and study materials issued in the 21st century (after 2000).
    • The Organizing Committee has made this class available for exhibits complying with the FIP special regulations for Traditional Philately and Postal History.
    • Qualifying exhibits for the Modern Philately must contain philatelic material issued by the Postal Administrations in the 21st century. These are, for example, postal stamps and other documents issued after 2000. However, the exhibit may include a small percentage of material issued prior to 2000 that is important and relevant to the exhibit.
    • Modern Philately exhibits will be judged according to the respective FIP SREVs currently in force for the above-mentioned competitive classes.
    • The distribution of the appropriate number of points shall correspond to the fact that the exhibited philatelic material is worthy of study, is difficult to acquire and that its comprehensive presentation introduces the philatelic public to less known facts, while the short passage of time since its issue makes it impossible to objectively judge its importance or rarity.
    • The exhibit shall receive the appropriate medal and will be included in the FIP Awards records. The Certificate of Participation will be given to exhibits attaining less than 60 points.
    • Acceptance of entry into the Modern Philately Class for the PRAGA 2018 exhibition will be based on the recommendation of the National Commissioner and on the decision of the PRAGA 2018 Organizing Committee.
    • Only five-frame exhibits can be entered and their acceptance will not preclude participation of the exhibits in other classes.
  • Class 6. Open Philately
  • Class 7. Revenues


6.1       Exhibits in the Competitive Classes will be judged by the appointed and accredited FIP judges in accordance with the principles laid down in the GREV and SREVs. Any deviation in the judging system has to have the prior approval of the FIP Board.


7.1       The exhibition frames at PRAGA 2018 shall be 97cm x 120cm. Each frame shall have a capacity for 16 A4 sheets (four sheets in four rows – 4 x 4) enclosed in a transparent protective cover no more than 295mm high and 245 mm wide. Larger sheet formats may be accepted but have to be in multiples of the standard size and approved in advance by the Organizing Committee.

7.2       All exhibits must be mounted on white or coloured sheets.

No exhibit mounted on dark-coloured or black sheets will be accepted.

7.3       The original copy of Expertizing certificate must be placed at the disposal of the Jury by inserting it at the back of the page. A small letter © is to be denoted at the right bottom corner of the display sheet.

7.4       Every exhibit shall be allotted 5 or 8 exhibition frames (with the exception of Classes 3 and 4) in accordance with Articles 6.3 and 6.4 of GREX.

Five frames shall be allotted to exhibits that obtained at least a vermeil award at the national level.

Eight frames shall be allotted to exhibits that obtained at least a large vermeil award at previous FIP exhibitions.


8.1       Exhibitors shall fill in one Exhibit Application Form for each exhibit and submit it through the National Commissioner of their respective countries, as provided for in Articles 11 and 21 of GREX.

8.2       The Organizing Committee, after consulting the matter with the FIP Consultant, shall have the authority to accept or reject the application without specifying the reason.

8.3       Exhibit Application Forms duly filled shall be submitted, together with a copy of the introductory page, in one of the FIP’s official languages, through the National Commissioners to the Commissioner General by 15th November 2017.

8.4       Exhibitors may enter exhibits under a pseudonym. However, their true identities must be notified to the Organizing Committee (Article 16 of GREX).

8.5       Notification of acceptance or rejection, together with the number of allotted frames, shall be sent to the exhibitor through the respective Commissioner no later than by 20thFebruary 2018.

8.6       The National Commissioners shall collect the participation fees from the exhibitors and remit them to the Organizing Committee by 15th April 2018.

8.7       Each exhibit shall be listed in the exhibition catalogue under its given title as stated in the application form.

8.8       When the title of the exhibit differs from the original title (irrespective of minor or major changes), the previous title of the exhibit must be also stated in the Exhibit Application Form. Furthermore, the exhibit identity number created by FIP must be stated. This ID number can be obtained from the secretary of the respective Federation. The FIP Secretariat circulates annually a list of Awards and ID numbers to the National Federations together with the annual membership fees due.


9.1       There is no fee for Non-Competitive Class entries.

9.2       The participation fee for Competitive Classes (except for Classes 3 and 4) is € 70 per frame.

9.3       The participation fee for Philatelic Literature (Class 3) is € 75 per exhibit.

9.4       The participation fee for One Frame Exhibit (Class 4) is € 110.


10.1    In the event an exhibit is delivered late or the carrier fails, or in the event the sheet size does not comply with the provisions of Article 7.1, the exhibit will not be judged and the participation fee shall not be refunded.

10.2    Each exhibit sheet shall be placed in a transparent protective cover and numbered in the lower right hand corner.

10.3    The Organizing Committee shall certify the receipt of the exhibits to the exhibitors through the National Commissioner.

10.4    The Organizing Committee shall distribute exhibit envelopes and exhibit inventory forms through the National Commissioner to the exhibitors.

10.5    Each and every exhibit shall be delivered in the official envelope (one envelope per frame). The exhibit inventory form shall be put in the envelope for the first frame.

10.6    The Organizing Committee requires, without exception, that all exhibits be delivered by the National Commissioners. Personal delivery of the exhibit by the exhibitor (or by a person authorized by the exhibitor) shall not be accepted.

10.7    Exhibitors in the Philatelic Literature Class (Class 4) must send two copies of each title no later than by 30th April 2018 in order that preliminary judging may take place. None of these copies are returnable. Periodicals may be exhibited as a complete volume only. One set of the exhibits will be kept by the Union of Czech Philatelists and the other to be sent to FIP, mail charges to be borne by the Organizing Committee.

10.8    The address to which Philatelic Literature exhibits must be sent shall be communicated by the Organizing Committee in due time.


11.1    The mounting and dismounting of the exhibits shall be undertaken by the Organizing Committee. In the event the exhibitor or the National Commissioner requests to participate in mounting or dismounting of his/her exhibit, the Organizing Committee shall determine the manner and conditions under which this may be undertaken.

11.2    The exhibitor or the National Commissioner shall pay for all costs associated with delivery of the exhibit to the exhibition site as well as with collecting the exhibit at the close of the exhibition and its transport back to the exhibitor.

11.3    Delivery of exhibits to the Organizing Committee and their return by means of Air Cargo is not allowed.

11.4    The Organizing Committee shall not be responsible for any problems occurred after dismounting of the exhibit or its handover to the exhibitor or the National Commissioner.

11.5    Request for return or dismounting of the exhibit during the exhibition period shall not be accepted.


12.1    The Organizing Committee shall make all reasonable effort in order to secure simplified customs procedures for entry of the exhibits to the Czech Republic with the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic. Details of the customs procedures and possible requirements shall be communicated to all exhibitors through the respective National Commissioners.


13.1    The Organizing Committee shall take all appropriate measures to ensure the security of the exhibits from arrival to return thereof. However, the Organizing Committee shall not be liable for any loss or damage to an Exhibit that might occur during the transportation to and from the exhibition; from receipt to return of the Exhibit; and during the exhibition.

13.2    After the exhibit is mounted by the Organising Committee, the National Commissioner is required to check that all pages and philatelic items are intact. In the event of any missing items, the National Commissioner must inform the Organising Committee immediately. A confirmation form shall be signed by the National Commissioner to be returned to the Organising Committee to confirm that the exhibit mounted is in order. This procedure is to be executed prior to the Opening day of the exhibition, except where an Exhibit is received after the Opening day when such report shall be made at the soonest opportunity.

13.3   Every exhibitor has to insure his or her exhibit at own expense (GREX Article 50.2).

Article 14 – EXPERT GROUP (Article 45 of GREX)

14.1    An Expert Group will be appointed by the Organizing Committee after consultation with the FIP Consultant.


15.1    Every exhibitor applying to exhibit at PRAGA 2018 is deemed to have accepted the stipulations of the IREX.

15.2   The Organizing Committee shall have the right to adjudicate any matters arising that are not covered by FIP Regulations or by this IREX, and its decisions shall be final.

15.3    The Organizing Committee shall have the right to revise the IREX after consultation with the FIP Consultant. In such case, exhibitors shall be promptly notified of any such revision either directly or through the National Commissioner.


16.1    By signing the Exhibit Application Form, the exhibitor shall be deemed to accept the stipulations of the IREX, GREX, GREV and SREVs.

16.2    In the event of any discrepancies in the text arising from translation, the English text shall prevail.

16.3    Any legal cases shall be governed by the legal regulations of the Czech Republic and settled by the relevant courts in the Czech Republic.


17.1    Secretary General: Lubor Kunc, email:

17.2    Commissioner General: Jiří Sedlák, email:

17.3    FIP Consultant: Bernard Jimenez, FIP Vice-President, email:

17.4    Exhibition website: